Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

I have grouped the children by AM I, AM II, PM I, and PM II. When there are assignments written on the board, the children know what to do. I also do separate lessons for each group.

At most times, AM II and PM I are learning the same thing and have similar homework. This is today's agenda. The concentration was on Civics due to African-American History Month which ties perfectly with parents who were concerned about inclusion/exclusion. The children will write about today's discussion and lesson in their journals tomorrow. For AM I, I will have them write simple sentences about their new friends; they have the option of going into detail about today's experience. AM II and both PM-groups (I and II) are expected to use correct grammar in their writings.I will be looking for capitalization (e.g. Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., their friends' names, names of special places, etc.), appropriate punctuations (period, question mark, exclamation point, etc. -- not including commas), and spelling. Their journal writings will not be due until Friday. Their journals will have to stay in the classroom.

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