Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014 New Spelling Lists

There are a few children that I've shuffled around to accommodate their needs at certain levels to help out with their scores. The appropriate "level" -- AM I, AM II, PM I, PM II -- is noted above their spelling words or in their notebooks. This does not mean that they moved to that particular level. This only applies to spelling and to those who need a challenge or who needs help improving their spelling skills. Should you have any questions, please email me.
For the most part, we have continued with Dictionary Skills and have attempted to look up words. Both classes were given lessons on how to look words up in a dictionary. We used "guide words" and used clues -- such as looking at each letter in those guide words -- to help us look for a word. The AM class will need more practice; however, the PM class seemed to have caught on.  We will have more practice this week. Both classes, except AM I, will be putting words in alphabetical order. AM II and PM I will put the FIRST 10 WORDS on their spelling lists in order. PM II will do the entire list. :)
Sometime this week, I will have the students define words from their spelling list and use them in sentences. We will also do in-class work/exercises where they will continue to use guide words as a way to look up a word.
AM I have done a couple of exercises on identifying pronouns. They did wonderful on their weekend homework. Tonight's homework involves changing a noun into a pronoun. The word "it" was introduced as a way to replace a thing or animal. He/him/his, she/her, they/them/their (NOT "there", which defines "location") will replace a person(s).
One of my main focus this morning on ALL of the students was their mechanics in writing. At this time, they should be able to write appropriately within the lines. Once in a while, I will assign certain students writing homework where they will have to strictly concentrate on their penmanship. A couple letters I've often found erroneous are lower case "k" and "p". For some odd reason, the vast majority of the children are writing them as uppercase letters no matter where the letters are placed in a word or in a sentence! Please have them practice the letters at home and discuss the difference (I've been doing this for several weeks now).  


  1. I worked with Ujwal for replacing nouns with pronouns. Thanks Leilani. I was surprised. Ujwal did very well. You are wonderful teacher ... :)

  2. Thank you, Mr. Garine. Ujwal is doing great in my class. He'll be working on doing more nouns/pronouns/capitalization. At the rate he's going, he'll be able to succeed as expected!
